Tuesday, March 07, 2006

"Mom, I've been shot"

NOT something you want to hear on the phone driving home from work. However, those were the words my son said to me this evening as I was pulling into my driveway.

First off, I didn't know he was out doing target practice with a couple of buddies. Second, we have ALWAYS preached and taught gun safety in our house. His father was raised hunting and around guns. My father always had guns in the house. My children KNOW the rules about guns. Derek goes deer hunting, duck hunting and has handled guns for several years now. Plus he has had the hunter safety course. Derek said he was already uncomfortable as one of the boys was "acting foolish". Derek wasn't even shooting, he was a by stander.

Apparently, one of the boys laid his shot gun on the ground loaded; reached down to pick it up and accidentally pulled the trigger in the process. THANKFULLY the gun was angled toward the ground. THANKFULLY my son wore his steel toe boots. Derek ended up with ONE bird shot pellet in his leg; several others went through the leg of his jeans. He was standing 2 feet from the blast. There could have been a different outcome. He could have lost his leg completely. THANKFULLY that did not happen. Derek also left immediately. He didn't have his vehicle there. He called a trusted family friend of ours that lives in the area and had them come to pick him up. He was upset, mad and I am sure a range of other emotions.

He also KNEW not to ask his mom to come get him in order to avoid a 'scene'. I don't deal well with nonsense. It's not like I don't know the other boys that were present. I know their families. At least, the father of the boy that accidentally shot Derek did call to check on him a bit later. Then stated that Derek shouldn't have been standing in front of the gun. All I will say to this is excuse me, who puts a LOADED gun on the ground and then proceeds to pick it up at the trigger?????????????? Thank you, enough said.

Off my soap box!

I did get to inspect the 'wound'. It will heal, but I'm sure the 'accident' made a HUGE impression.


Francine said...

How scary!!! I'm glad he's ok!

Michelle W. said...

OMG!!! So glad to hear he wasn't seriously injured. Hugs!


Colleen said...

oh my freakin god. i can just imagine the emotions that you went through after getting that call. glad he's ok!!!

sussann said...

So glad Derek is okay! How terrifying.

Nikki said...

How scary tha must have been. Glad to hear he is going to be ok.

Adrienne said...

Scary! So glad he is ok!!!!