Monday, March 06, 2006

Doll Baby

Isn't she a little doll? This is my youngest niece. I visited my sister this weekend and snapped this picture, along with several others outside. She has 8 teeth at 10 months old and is pulling up. She likes to rock back and forth to music. She has the cutest giggle!

I love that I still have a 'baby' in the family. Especially as my children grow older and become more independent each day. My son amazes me with his responsible thinking. He and I were talking this weekend about school, grades, co-op work, a recent job fair at his university. I wonder sometimes WHERE does that knowledge inside him come from? When did he get so 'grown'?

My mother has been blessed with 7 grandchildren. My son is the only boy in the lot and he is the oldest of them all. I have been blessed to be present at the birth of 4 out of 5 of my nieces. Watching a child come into this world is one of the most amazing things and each life such a gift to us.

I love capturing this stage of a child. So innocent and pure. They grow so fast. I will blink and Misty will be a teenager, dating and all that jazz. I am so glad to have the photos and the memories. I am also grateful that I found such a wonderful hobby in scrapbooking; where I have the opportunity to record all of this. Just another of the reasons why it is my passion!

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