Sunday, December 04, 2005

5 things that made me SMILE this week....

I was tagged by Sophia! Ok, so I'm a little 'late' as it is a new week, but just pretend - o.k.?

1. Chocolate Chip Cookies - my favorite. We had a birthday 'celebration' for two of our student workers in the office this week. I took chocolate chip cookies in to go with the other goodies. I didn't have time to make them, so the next best thing to me are the ones fresh from the bakery at Publix. Mmmmmm good!

2. The entire family plus going Christmas shopping at the mall on Saturday afternoon. Derek was home for the weekend from college. A friend of mine called to see if we would be interested in a mall run. Derek agreed to go; so I said yes. We all met up, along with Derek's girlfriend, Becky, then headed to the mall. I got about 80% of Derek's gifts, which is what I was most worried about finishing up. Found some good deals. And had some fun shopping with family and friends.

3. My tree is up! Ok, so actually that was today! I am so happy to have it up. Derek helped move the old trunk to make room for the tree in the living room and then put the tree together for me; before heading back to college. Bonus! I still need to put the finishing touches on it, but I have the lights on now and love that warm glow in the room.

4. Music. Leah's 8th grade band concert was Thursday night. Beautiful music from such a young group of students. Leah looked so pretty in her new band shirt and black dress pants. She even wore her hair down (which I love & it is usually pulled up in a pony tail).

5. Mail. I got 2 Christmas cards in the mail this week. I also recieved a homemade beautiful thank you card from a new scrapbook buddy. So thoughtful and sweet. I LOVE getting snail mail. There is just something about opening the mail box and finding something addressed to you in there that is NOT a bill or junk. Always puts a smile on my face.

Thanks Sophia!


Unknown said...

isn't wonderful for the things that put smiles on our faces? Good for you getting your tree up. Enjoy the rest of your night.

cindyMN said...

OK..I dont know..but cookies from something called publix..does NOT sound good!! LOL!

Sophia C. said...

Sherri, I'm so glad that Derek made it home and that you were able to have a great weekend! Just for the record, YOU make me smile! And thank you very much, I am craving CC cookies now! Have a GREAT day!
