Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas gifts, dinner and friends...

Finally there are gifts under the tree! Got this picture tonight before the kids delivered the gifts to our next door neighbor. They have 2 teen daughters and a college son. I have been blessed to have one family of Wonderful! neighbors. They are the type neighbors where we can borrow a cup of milk or a few eggs back and forth between us. I made the girls altered frames to match their newly painted rooms. Their son received a box of 'goodies' (Dr. Pepper, oreos, chips). For the adults, a gift bag with spaghetti sauce, noodles, fresh baked french bread and a sign that reads "Good Friends, Good Food and Good Times" to hang in their house.

We have just had supper (roast, carrots, potatoes from the crockpot and hot dinner rolls). Derek's girlfriend, Becky, is visiting for supper. Right now they are playing Texas Holdem at the kitchen table - Derek, Leah, Becky and a family friend, Donna. They are laughing, loud and boasting. Music to my ears. The tree is lit and so are the candles around the house. I used my Christmas dishes (an after Christmas clearance deal from last year). In a bit, Derek and Becky will exchange their Christmas gifts. Plus I have Becky a handmade mini clipboard calendar and paper bag album from Leah and I.

There is happiness, love and fun in my house tonight. It really DOES feel like Christmas.
We are so blessed.

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