Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas Stockings

Another Sophia challenge! **I will try to get pictures tonight.

When I was little I remember getting the lifesaver candy ‘books’ in our stockings. I know we got lots of other things because they were always full and sometimes things were sticking out the top. However, nothing else really sticks out in my mind. I just know I enjoyed finding hidden surprises in my stocking every year.

When I married the children’s father, his family didn’t ‘do’ stockings but I insisted in keeping up the tradition. I would search high and low to find neat little gifts to put into his stocking. Then the children were born and Santa filled their stockings full along with one for Mom and Day too. Stockings were the only ‘Santa’ gifts that adults received.

I have carried on this tradition with my children filling their stockings; the treats usually are one of their favorite candy, a large pack of gum, chapstick, socks or gloves, a gift certificate (usually to the movie theater – which is a special treat for them, as we rarely view a movie at the theater); always a new toothbrush, a ‘toy’ – yes even my 18 year old gets a toy in his stocking. Last year it was a matchbox car because he kept saying he wanted a ‘new’ truck! The other items have changed to be age appropriate. Most everything that goes into the stockings are $5 and under items. Anything more expensive is wrapped, such as music cd’s. If they would eat them, I would go buy one of those huge peppermint sticks to go into their stockings this year; because this is going to be a hard candy Christmas (for those familiar with the Country music Christmas song).

I remember asking my mother what they got in their stockings growing up as she is the baby of 11 children. She said it was usually an apple, orange, nuts and one of the big peppermint sticks and to them that was a special treat.


cindyMN said...

I remember those lifesaver books too!! I LOVED THEM!! thanks for the good memory!!

plualum said...

I had totally forgot about those Lifesaver story books. I loved the Cherry ones, but the rest...aaack! Thanks for brining it back to my mind!

Sophia C. said...

Too funny! I saw the lifesavers today and remembered how I wanted one every year when I was a kid! Fun entry, Sherri!

Merry, Merry!