Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Scrapping Mojo and other thoughts

Seems I've found some scrapping mojo! Now, I've been 'properly' scrapping since 1999. However, I feel refreshed and revived with my latest pages. It's been fun; they have come together fairly easily and if not - I leave the stuff on my table and walk away. Usually when I come back to it the next day, it will click. I've even tried a few new techniques and discovered others that I WANT to try. It is a NEW day and the sun is out. I am going to start submitting some things this year. It's exciting. However, it also has it's highs and lows.

My son just called to talk over co-op opportunities for this summer that match his college major. Plus he updated me on some grades. It's rare that he calls just to chat; but I love it.

Teacher conference tomorrow for my Junior High daughter. It should be interesting!

My little Allie cat is healing up nicely after her surgery. She will never have babies, but she will always be my lil baby. Such a sweet kitty! She loves to sit in my lap while I surf the internet. She entertains me and can turn on a light switch when in SPAZ cat mode. She meets me at the door every afternoon. We also had Max fixed. He is the neighborhood cat that took up with us in December 2004. I know he has been inside a house before cause he waltzed in and acted like the King of it. Quiet and loving with a raspy meow. Total opposite personality of Allie.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I didn't know you had a blog!!! I love it and I love the background. I'm bookmarking this baby