Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My son - the Telemarketer

Derek came home Friday to work a NFL flag football tournament here. Of course, he dropped in my office to bum some money for lunch. He also told me he had gotten a job making phone calls. I freaked out! My first thought was that some company was recruiting on his campus for telemarketers and that he would be sitting for endless hours being cussed out. How fun is that?
He was like “Chill Mom, it’s with the school”. Oh, ok. So he is making phone calls for the alumni association for the next few weeks for their annual drive.

Last night I was cooking when he called. He was talking a mile a minute about making phone calls. (Last night was the first night of calls). He was on break and wanted to tell me that they get a ‘bonus’ if they get 7 donations in one night. He had already raised $500.00 from 9 people!! He said, “All it takes is being nice”. Of course, he was quite impressed with himself, as no one else had raised that amount of money in donations. He said he was saying “Happy Halloween” when the phone was answered. *Laughs* He said a few thought it was a ‘prank’ call and there were just a couple of old finicky folks. Too funny! However, apparently 9 people decided to make a donation.

It’s just amazing to me to hear his ‘tales’. Seems he turns out to be ‘successful’ at almost anything he tries. Makes a mom proud!

Oh and I will be a bit nicer to the next few telemarketers that call with a polite "No thank you".


Gwyn Calvetti said...

It does give us new appreciation when our kids take on these jobs, doesn't it? I have a different pov about counter help at fast food restaurants now.

Good for Derek, too!

cindyMN said...

OHHH no!! I HATE those kids calling from the college looking for money!! UGH!! ohhh well..I bet he sweets talk them!