Wednesday, November 30, 2005

What I did Thanksgiving, etc.

Thanksgiving was a nice and BUSY day. First stop was my sister's house for my family lunch together. There was a lot of good food; everyone was there and just a tad bit of drama. At least we were all together, right? And the drama....was over pictures of all the kids together of all things. I didn't get one good shot with my digital; hopefully the film picture will turn out ok.

The children and I then went to the farm to visit with Paps, MeMaw and the rest of the Smiths. Derek ate another huge plate of dressing (his favorite dish!), Leah and I settled for a snack. Mine was a slice of pound cake. Mmmmmmmm mmmm good. I enjoyed visiting with everyone. It is always such a warm, inviting and casual atmosphere.

I brought the kids back to town, so they could get ready and go to their Dad's house for the evening. They had a get together with their Step-mom's family.

Friday was leftover lunch, then out to ride around hunting pictures to make for the photo of the day. Also, because I have decided to do a few Christmas presents that include photographs of different subjects. My best friend drove me around the countryside down in her neck of the woods. We did find one good barn and a windmill; however I STILL have not had the time to load the pictures onto my computer from my digital.

While I was taking the photo of the windmill, I noticed a grove of pecan trees. As luck would have it there was an electric fence around the pasture. So we decided to pick up the pecans from the road side. We laughed and laughed as cars passed by; imagining what they were thinking about us with our noses to the ground hunting pecans. They are about $7 a bag here this year and I need just enough for a cake and some fudge! LOL

The ride brought us back through town, where we did stop off in a few stores. This was late afternoon and most of the Black Friday shoppers had headed home it seemed. I picked up a couple of small gifts. Nothing much, however, it will be a small Christmas at our house this year!

I have a few orders for Saks of Memories that I have been working on and a LONG list of items I want to make for Christmas presents. I just wonder where I will find the time for all of it!

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