Monday, October 31, 2005

Sibling relationships

I'm not referring to my sisters, I want to talk about the relationship between my 2 children. There are five years between them. This picture is one of my favorites of them from 1992. It sits on my vanity. Leah was almost 1 year old and Derek would have been almost 6. He REALLY loved his little sister back then. Derek always wanted to help out with her and was ever watchful over her. He always held her hand. I knew things would change as they grew older, I just never understood how much! This weekend he took his little sister deer hunting in the wee hours of the morning. She had been begging to go for weeks. I thought it was very sweet of Derek to do this for and with his sister. Leah of course, froze to death. She told me the entire deer stand was shaking from her shivering. Derek finally offered to bring her home, even though they hadn't had much daylight time to look for deer. He was compassionate about the entire deal. It gave me those warm fuzzy feelings to hear them chatting away like friends, instead of siblings. I know there are still days ahead where she will get on his nerves, they will have their squabbles, etc. But at least I got a glimpse into the future on Sunday morning to see how it possibly will be one day down the road. It also made me realize how much they are growing up. I know there will be that time ahead where they grow into close friends, sharing holidays, births of their own children and so much more. Leah looks up to Derek, however she is also very jealous over the fact that he gets to do so much more than her and a lot faster than she can do those things. She doesn't see the years that separate them, she only sees that there is a difference. Their father is an only child. I was pretty content with having just Derek for several years. When I was growing up, I'd always thought I would have at least 2 children. Yet, once I'd had Derek and was fortunate enough to stay at home with him for his first two years ~ I realized I would be fine with having just him. Those thoughts changed when their Dad's father passed away. I watched him dealing with his loss and his frail mother pretty much on his own and with me. I began to rethink having another child, being the oldest of 3 myself. So we decided that we would try for number two; hence them being a bit further apart than I would have originally planned when thinking through our family. Both of my children are very different from each other. Each have made me learn new things about life and about myself. I am thankful for each of them. And this weekend provided me with the knowledge that in the years that lie ahead, they will be there to help take care of each other. That gives me a great sense of peace.


Cathy said...

Rosie - what a sweet description of your kids' relationship! I too am fascinated by the changes I see my kids go through as they grow - how they relate to each other and care for each other (when they aren't driving each other crazy!)

Lovely post - and what a cute picture!

Sophia C. said...

Sherri, I love this sentimental post. I feel a real love for both of your kids, and always have. They are both very responsible and mature! But, this is the first time I think that I've ever thought of them in such a light. Love that they went hunting together Having siblings that relate and connect is a gift! I wish I had that with Rick! You really are a great blogger, ya know! I love your blog! I love you too, ya know!
