Monday, October 10, 2005

Arts & Crafts Show experience....

My very first time exhibiting (sounds better than being a 'vendor') at an Arts & Crafts Show was this weekend. It was some more experience! I took off my full time regular job on Friday to set up at the show site. Mother Nature did NOT cooperate as the sky opened up and released a much needed rain. However, that is not the perfect show weather! I sat up a canopy tent and tables in the downpour with some much appreciated help from a friend.
Saturday morning I crawled out of bed BEFORE my normal alarm clock time to get ready. I woke up the girl child wrangling her into some cheap labor. We arrived at the site (which was in the country, middle of the woods beside a cow pasture - used for parking) at 7:30am to find out that the grounds were entirely too wet to drive to our booth location. It took 3 trips luggin' stuff down into the woods for set up. After wiping down the wet tables, we put out the pretty matching pale green table clothes, set up signs, then filled the tables with my scrapbook crafted items and photographs. A co-worker is a great amateur photographer and shared the booth with me. I have to THANK so many of the wonderful 2pea scrappers for so much inspiration on many of my items! It was cold and damp, but thankfully not raining. The day went well, with a bit of a slower foot crowd than I have seen in the past while visiting this show. By the time the show was over for the day (5pm) I was still cold, very tired with aching feet! I came home and made a pot of coffee just to warm up! Sunday was another day of the same. It was a tad bit warmer with a larger crowd.
There was a very friendly lady in the booth next to mine who sold quilts and homemade jellies. She has shown for years and was full of advice. I think I finally met someone that talks MORE than I do!
All in all, I can say it went well. It was something on my "100 things to do" list and now I can mark it off. It is a LOT of work and hard work at that. From being a hermit for weeks before the show frantically making items to standing on your feet and smiling all day, two days straight! LOL
I may do another one, I will just have to wait and see. I am really interested in knowing how my contacts from the show work out.
My mother, who is traveling Canada and New England with an 'old folks tour' called both days to wish me well and see how it went; which was a pleasant surprise. My sister and her children stopped by, along with many co-workers and friends. It was nice to be so well supported by them. Even if it was with words of encouragement!
Now I can slow down a bit, work on Christmas cards/gifts and maybe even have a lazy weekend!


Sophia C. said...

Sherry, you DESERVE a few days off! I'm glad that you have this big project under your belt! And I know you'll not sit for too long! You'll find someone or something out there that needs your special touch! I'm glad that you made the most of this fun experience! BTW, I love the reference to the "girl child"! Definitely a term of endearment!

Love ya! Sophia

sussann said...

I'm sorry the weather didn't cooperate for your show. I love seeing your crafts, you do wonderful work!