Sunday, October 02, 2005

Almost there....

I set a goal when I decided to enter the local Arts & Crafts show. I wanted 'x' dollar amount of sale-able inventory. I am almost there! In fact I have 5 projects still in the making; once they are complete, I will have made it. I've given up free time; I've stayed at home like a hermit for several weekends in a row; missed out on a few 'fun' things....but I will be able to say at the end of this week and the start of the show that I made 'goal'. Hopefully, the hard work will pay off!
I fixed chicken and dumplings for dinner tonight - a HUGE batch. So now I don't have to worry about dinner plans for a few evenings and can concentrate on getting everything finished up. I still have to make a few table signs - One for custom orders, a couple of prices (because I don't want to put a sticker on some things). I also have to print my order forms. After that it will be down to loading up the vehicle.
List - I probably need a '2 do' list. I am a list maker. Worse as I have gotten older. LOL I like to go to the grocery store with a list - then fly right through knowing what I need without having to 'plan' meals in the store. If I have a big project at work or even like the show, I usually do a list. I was in my daughter's room today and noticed she has a '2 do' list push pinned on her door! All for it, IF she would just accomplish the items on it. Cleaning her room should be near the top, right under Homework assignments.
That is the update for today, time to get ready for bed - that is after I can find the bed. I scrap in my room and right now all of my 'projects' are all over the bed.

1 comment:

Collette Osuna said...

LOVE the 2 do I can get my daughter Chloe to get one, and youre right..she has to COMPLETE the list to make it "worthy"..hehehe
Sounds like youve gotten alot accomplished..yes, you've given up free time, but look at what you were able to do!! Congratulations girlie!!! :)