Sunday, October 30, 2005

Super Mom ?

Why in the world is it that we put SO much pressure on ourselves to be Super Mom's or should that be Super Everything to Everyone?
I know that I have tried for years to be a 'Super Mom'. I've worked outside the home since my oldest was 2 years old. Still managing to multi-task my life every day. Luckily I've always worked an 8 to 5 job. I've always said that I left that job to start the 2nd shift - doing all those Mommy duties. Pick up the kids, race home to make dinner, assist with homework assignments, attend the band concert, or soccer, karate, dance practice, etc and more!
I would think that things would have slowed down a bit at my house with one off at college and just one here, but they really haven't. This weekend I thought I was going to have a bit of leisure time; however, it is 10pm on Sunday night and I still didn't get everything accomplished that I wanted to finish up. I did have a busy weekend though - Friday night I came home from work to find my son home with his bag of laundry. I did get to have dinner with a friend. Both kids attended a local football game. Saturday morning I got up and did sip coffee while checking out 2peas. Then I got ready and went to a Rare Breed Dog Show in town. Quick lunch at Chick-fil-a, errand to Verizon to have my daughter's phone repaired, a stop by a department store for my base makeup and a great buy on a dress jacket for work. Gotta LOVE those sales and a combo of a gift card I hadn't used yet. Home to watch a rented movie with a friend. Doing laundry in between it all. Sunday was an early morning with the kids coming in from deer hunting. More laundry, then grocery shopping. Oh joy! I really don't care to visit the grocery store. I've gotten to the point of trying to make it an every other week 'chore'. Lunch was picked up on the way back and late afternoon at that. Help with a homework project. Call from my sister - fair warning that my mother was on her way over - frantic quick sweep of the house. Mom stopped by to show off pictures of her recent 14 day trip up north and brought us some trinkets. More laundry (mine finally!). Call from my son back in his dorm tonight.
I made some AWESOME caramel popcorn, recipe compliments of Sophia C's blog (the link is on the left here). The student workers will be happy campers tomorrow at work! Thanks Sophia!
More laundry (does it multiply like rabbits at your house too?). Loaded the dishwasher.
I really wanted to get some scrapping time in here somewhere but it just didn't work out. Maybe next time!
I put so much pressure on myself to 'do it all'. I have learned to give myself a break every now and then. If it doesn't ALL get done, then there is always tomorrow.

I've seen this 'super' syndrome in my son too. He tries so hard to visit everyone that wants to see him on the weekends he is home - me, his dad, his girlfriend, his buddies. He has even mentioned trying to keep up with everyone and everything. I'm glad to know that at least every now and then he slows down at college and slips in some afternoon naps.
So the thought for today is don't forget to stop and smell the roses!

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