Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Unexpected 'visitor' ....

Last night I sat scanning in a scrapbook item to post over at 2peas. The house was pretty quiet except the background noise of the tv on low volume. Leah had slipped out for "just a few minutes Mom" to the neighbors house for girl talk with their daughter. I hear a car pull up. For the record 13 year olds don't drive - well not legally! I knew I wasn't expecting someone and no one ever just 'drops in'. I decide to have a look realizing that Leah left the carport door unlocked. I peek out the curtain - no vehicle. I crack the door open and peek out, when I notice a figure standing against the house just past the doorway. I SCREAM and slam the door shut - locking it. Then slowly my mind registers. I open the door back up with a grin to find my son laughing to bust a gut. I laugh, then panic - "What is wrong, why are you here?" (I moved him off to college last month and he doesn't come home during the week - he should be at his dorm). He comes in telling me he had attended a local church youth rally this evening. What an unexpected surprise. I ask him if he wants something to eat and re-heat some of the supper leftovers for him. We chat about traffic woes, classes and such while he munches on a sloppy joe and drinks 2 glasses of sweet tea (they serve no sweet tea on campus). He hangs out for a bit and then says he has to get back (he has a 9am class). I package up 2 extra sandwiches and tell him to drive safe.

I thought it would be neat to tell that story last night on here, so I signed in to my blog, even added some pictures of Derek and his new 'home' (dorm room). I was typing away when out of nowhere I got a blue screen with some warning - ya know the kind - computer crash type screen. This has happened before - so next time I will be writing down the information and calling Dell. My home computer is only a few months old! So I turned off the computer, lost my post and decided to head to bed. I will have to post the pictures tonight from home.

1 comment:

Jess said...

What a nice surprise! Glad you got to see your son. You told that story very well. I was actually worried when you "screamed and slammed the door". How funny!