Sunday, September 25, 2005

Scrappin' Weekend

I've been scrappin' away the weekend getting ready for my upcoming show. Missed getting to attend a HUGE PowWow here locally this weekend. A friend attended and said it was really nice. Lots of booths and many performances.

Have to make this short and sweet as I need to get back to work in my lil scrapbook nook (corner of my bedroom).

I will post again tomorrow from work while it's slow! LOL Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

ETA: Finally, got a picture to upload. Here is one of the paper bag albums (just a cover pic) that I completed this weekend. It's my new favorite of all, even though my only son is almost 19 years old!

1 comment:

Collette Osuna said...

Rosie..thanks for visiting my blog!!
What a great cover yo it....
My daughter is soon to be thirteen..she has a fit when I re-do her load as well....
Looking forward to being "blogging buddies"......