Friday, September 16, 2005

A new Adventure ...

Isn't life about starting new adventures and experiences every day? I think so! I have at least 5 different routes I could drive to my office on any given day, depending on what the morning has in store.

This is a new 'route' that I've decided to explore in my life. A blog! Of course, I don't know how great of a writer I really am, or how interesting my words might be (or not be) to read, so just overlook the typos and misspelled words, pour yourself a cup of joe (or a glass of tea, grab a coke ...whatever) and read on into this thing I call 'life'.

Both of my children have their own blogs (gosh Mom is behind the times! LOL), several of my scrappin' buddies have a blog ~ it's just a thing everyone seems to be doing these days. So why not take a shot at it and see how it goes!

This is not the only new adventure I have taken on in my life recently. I've also started to scrapbook for the public. Not pages, but mini-albums. I made one of the hottest 'rage' mini paper bag albums for my niece, for her birthday. I was in the beauty salon getting a much needed trim showing my hairdresser the gift. Well, she had a fit over it and wanted to buy one for her granddaughter's birthday. Hmmmmmm, I don't really scrap for the public. I work full time, at the time was trying to get my oldest child ready to move off to college and have a teenage daughter still at home with me which adds up to having my plate full. Then my hairdresser showed off the lil album to the other gals in the salon and soon everyone was wanting one. I decided what the heck, I would give it a go. I have made about a dozen of them, so far by orders, given at least a half dozen of them away as gifts and am now working on an inventory of them. I just submitted my application yesterday for a local Arts & Crafts Show in October. I am going to sell paper bag albums and other altered items. Showing in an Arts & Crafts show was actually one of the things on my "100 things to do" list. 20 years ago, pre-children, I actually chaired a HUGE local Arts & Crafts show for my Junior Women's Club. It was tons of work, but great fun. We would have 150-200 exhibitors in the only indoor show around! For a talkative people person like myself that was right up my alley.

The name of my blog came from my other new adventure ~ selling scrapbook items. I wanted something to go on my business cards for the show besides JUST my name and information. It's not really a 'business' name; I look at it more like a description or a 'title'. *giggle* Since I don't have a business license. I can always dream BIG though. So the 'title' on my personal cards for the show is "Saks of Memories". Now you know how I came up with my blog title and a tiny bit about me. And the clipart here is from Publisher and is on my personal cards (does that sound better than business cards? LOL!)

Also isn't life about our Memories? Now that I'm 'older' I'd rather NOT be called the old bag lady so I decided 'Saks' sounded and looked a little more sophisticated ~ the way I would LIKE to look & feel; although most days that just doesn't happen!

On to the next adventure ...


cindyMN said...

I STILL like the OLD bag lady!! LOL..good for you!! for starting this "new" journey!

~E~ said...

Your blog is cute. Good for you for starting it, and congrats on selling the scrapbook products. BTW love the name you chose, it's fitting and cute.

Janelle said...

Your blog looks just wonderful, and it sounds like you've got a great business started for yourself! Congrats!

Sophia C. said...

Sherry, your blog is as cute as you are! I'm so glad to see so many friends jumping on the blogwagon! YAY!
