Monday, April 24, 2006

Scrap Etc. Event, 2 words: Exhausted & INSPIRED

First let me say and share something personal:
For about the last 6 months I've been taking a LONG hard look at myself, my life, the people in it, things that are happening or were NOT happening and decided to make a change. It is ONE of the reasons I've been so quiet here. I didn't want to post something 'cheery' JUST for the sake of updating. I had a LONGGGGGGGG talk over several nights with 2 of my closest friends last week before leaving for the Scrap Event. I just wanted things worked out for myself. It's nothing major; nor was I depressed. It is more about changing directions in my life.

Then I get to the Scrap Etc. Event and on the first day, Heidi Swapp's class spoke DIRECTLY to me. Ya'll I CRIED. It was the MESSAGE. Then the next day Heidi did her 'She' class and I BAWLED, not just cried I sobbed. Again, it was the message. It affirmed EVERYTHING that I've been thinking about and talking over with friends. It was surreal. I had a wonderful and emotional time. It was like a spiritual meeting for me; in many ways. Hey, we scrappers are like that! We come together to share a part of ourselves, our lives, our hopes, dreams and so much more. We can identify with each other and we 'get it'. Thank YOU Heidi Swapp for sharing your inner self with us all.

Cathy Z is a HOOT! I could totally see hanging out with her. She made me laugh, she made me tear up. What a WONDERFUL engaging speaker. What an INSPIRING writer (oh if I could just tap into that within myself!). What wonderful ideas she shared with us all. If scrapping ever goes belly up (which I do not believe); Cathy Z could be a stand up comedian!

Elsie - OMGosh, how CUTE is she???? Really adorable! Really 'REAL'. She handles all of this 'celeb' biz with SUCH style and grace at her age. I totally LOVE her work. I think she is SUCH a cutie pie. I love how she just isn't conformed by the 'lines' of what we 'should' do in scrapping. Her work is truly an art form. LOVED the mini album class. Such a KEWL project. Enjoyed the fun inspiration jar class. How neat to just play with paint and decorate.

Carrie C - is a sweetheart. I can't believe she did this a week before her wedding! I enjoyed the color class. It's an adorable mini project that I will refer back to for words, colors, inspiration.

Loved the extra projects - Great folded mini album (wonderful instructor - LOVED that she kept everyone ON track). Also made this REALLY cool magnetic board out of sheet metal that WE folded. Totally awesome idea!

I took a 4x6 mini notebook. I THINK I have about 5 pages left in it without notes. I can't wait to type them all up. I came away totally inspired, moved beyond my expectations and full of ideas/information. My review is that I plan to attend the NEXT one!

I got to meet Gina who is also on a few online boards with me. She made me feel like her INSTANT 'friend'. Took me into their group. She is wonderful! Thanks for letting me hang with you!

I have some photos still in the camera. I will try to share some this week.


Christina Padilla said...

Glad to hear that you enjoyed the event.......I was also in tears from listening to Heidi. Amazing.

Looking forward to seeing your pictures soon! :)

Alicia said...

Sherri... what a wonderful update! Glad to know that you got so much out of the weekend! Sure makes it worth it!