Saturday, December 30, 2006


I am a BIG list maker. I ran into a high school chum yesterday at Walmart. She saw my 'list' and said "you were smart, you made a list!". LOL Well, I only purchased ONE item that wasn't on my list! I was in a hurry and wanted to grab and go. All in all, it wasn't too crowded and I completed my task.
My friend, Sophia, challenged us bloggers at 2peas to a list challenge. It is a long list of random items and the things I have completed in my life are in bold with comments. It was FUN taking a look at the list and remembering things accomplished.

1. Bought everyone in the bar a drink
2. Swam with wild dolphins
3. Climbed a mountain – several, my favorite was Diamond Head
4. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
5. Been inside the Great Pyramid
6. Held a tarantula
7. Taken a candlelit bath with someone – Yep!
8. Said “I love you’ and meant it – Everyday to my children!
9. Hugged a tree - DONE
10. Bungee jumped
11. Visited Paris – It was WONDERFUL! Amazing teen trip!
12. Watched a lightning storm at sea – This September while on a cruise
13. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise – A few times
14. Seen the Northern Lights
15. Gone to a huge sports game (and survived the crush afterwards) – Atlanta Falcons, ages ago.
16. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
17. Grown and eaten your own vegetables – Growing up, every year
18. Touched an iceberg
19. Slept under the stars – Yep!
20. Changed a baby’s diaper – TOO many to count
21. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
22. Watched a meteor shower – LOVE it! Watch every time I know it will happen
23. Gotten drunk on champagne
24. Given more than you can afford to charity – Yes.
25. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope – Our University opens it’s doors to allow this. Amazing!
26. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment – Has someone NOT done this?
27. Had a food fight
28. Bet on a winning horse
29. Asked out a stranger
30. Had a snowball fight – As a kid
31. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can – Probably more than I should have!
32. Held a lamb
33. Seen a total eclipse - DONE
34. Ridden a roller coaster – I grew up going to 6-Flags over Georgia! Yep.
35. Hit a home run
36. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking – Many times! I LOVE to dance.
37. Adopted an accent for an entire day
38. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment – Yep!
39. Had two hard drives for your computer
40. Visited all 50 states
41. Taken care of someone who was drunk – A few times, NOT fun.
42. Had amazing friends – Lucky me! I do!
43. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country
44. Watched wild whales
45. Stolen a sign
46. Backpacked in Europe
47. Taken a road-trip – Many!
48. Gone rock climbing
49. Midnight walk on the beach – One of my favorite things to do.
50. Gone sky diving
51. Visited Ireland 5
52. Been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love
53. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger’s table and had a meal with them – Shared tables several times.
54. Visited Japan
55. Milked a cow – At the county fair!
56. Alphabetized your CDs
57. Pretended to be a superhero – I have children! So, of course!
58. Sung karaoke – Yes, but don’t care to do it again!
59. Lounged around in bed all day – A few times!
60. Posed nude in front of strangers
61. Gone scuba diving
62. Kissed in the rain – Mmmm Hmmm
63. Played in the mud – Red Georgia clay counts!
64. Played in the rain – Yep, even WITH my kids.
65. Gone to a drive-in theater – Yep, wish we still had one around here! What fun!
66. Visited the Great Wall of China
67. Started a business
68. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
69. Toured ancient sites – Several of different kind
70. Taken a martial arts class
71. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight
72. Gotten married – Too young!
73. Been in a movie
74. Crashed a party – I think so!
75. Gotten divorced – Yep, still ‘single’.
76. Gone without food for 5 days
77. Made cookies from scratch – Momma taught me how!
78. Won first prize in a costume contest
79. Ridden a gondola in Venice
80. Gotten a tattoo
81. Rafted the Snake River
82. Been on television news programs as an “expert”
83. Got flowers for no reason – Several times!
84. Performed on stage – BEST time ever! Local Community Theater.
85. Been to Las Vegas
86. Recorded music
87. Eaten shark – yep, not bad.
88. Had a one-night stand
89. Gone to Thailand
90. Bought a house – One of my proudest moments! Live in it now.
91. Been in a combat zone
92. Buried one/both of your parents – Unfortunately my Daddy.
93. Been on a cruise ship – Just this year, first one!
94. Spoken more than one language fluently – Learned Sign Language and took French in HS, but know very little of either now.
95. Performed in Rocky Horror
96. Raised children (or…raising children) – Still at it!
97. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour – Not really ‘followed’, but I have been to several concerts.
98. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
100. Picked up and moved to another city to start over – my parents moved us, once. Still live in the same ‘home town’ for over 30 years!
101. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
102. Sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking – My teen daughter hates when I do this. LOL
103. Had plastic surgery
104. Survived an accident that you shouldn’t have survived – Unfortunately. I know my seat belt saved my life.
105. Wrote articles for a large publication
106. Lost over 100 pounds (cumulatively, if you count pregnancy! lol!) – I would say yes to this: 2 pregnancies and two other times, once to WW.
107. Held someone while they were having a flashback
108. Piloted an airplane
109. Petted a stingray – At Sea World
110. Broken someone’s heart - Several, unfortunately
111. Helped an animal give birth – Several, grew up with cats, dogs
112. Won money on a T.V. game show
113. Broken a bone – My arm, when I was twelve and my little toes, twice!
114. Gone on an African photo safari
115. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced
116. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol – I AM a southern gal. Fired all 3!
117. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
118. Ridden a horse – I own 3!
119. Had major surgery – does my nose surgery count? Reconstructive after my car accident. It FELT ‘major’.
120. Had a snake as a pet
121. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
122. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours
123. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states
124. Visited all 7 continents
125. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
126. Eaten kangaroo meat
127. Eaten sushi - tried it, no likee
128. Had your picture in the newspaper – While in the Jr. Women’s Club and acting in the play.
129. Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about
130. Gone back to school
131. Parasailed
132. Petted a cockroach
133. Eaten fried green tomatoes ... yum! - Yep
134. Read The Iliad - and the Odyssey
135. Selected one “important” author who you missed in school, and read
136. Killed and prepared an animal for eating - I didn't personally 'kill' it; but my ex-husband and my son are deer hunters and I have eaten deer meat.
137. Skipped all your school reunions
138. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language – In France, WHERE is the subway? They pointed, we would head off in that direction.
139. Been elected to public office
140. Written your own computer language
141. Thought to yourself that you’re living your dream
142. Had to put someone you love into hospice care - yes, my best friend’s mom
143. Built your own PC from parts
144. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn’t know you – I have sold mini scrapbooks.
145. Had a booth at a street fair – I had a booth at a local arts & crafts show.
146. Dyed your hair – Only my hairdresser knows the TRUTH! LOL
147. Been a DJ
148. Shaved your head
149. Caused a car accident – dang, it was years ago!
150. Saved someone’s life

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Just a short one to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!
A no lights shot of our tree and fireplace tonight. I didn't pull out all the decorations this year. Low 'stress' go on that with a lot of other things going on.

My children and I wish you all a holiday filled with family and most of all love. It's not about how many presents are under the is about the love in the room.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I won! and other ramblings...

I won the SEI monthly contest over at in the altered division with my version of an altered mini tin. Cool-i-o! Thanks to the great ladies over at ImagineCreateScrap. It's been fun getting to know the group there.

Rainy, messy, yucky cold day here. Leah came in this morning and said she was going into school late. So I rushed home at lunch to get her to school by 11:30am. After I get back to work, she texted me to tell me that in order to be counted 'present' for the day, she had to be there at 11am!!! What? When did THAT change? It's ALWAYS been 11:30 for as long as I can remember. UGH! Both she and I are trying to cough up a lung. I went on to work, but am about worthless except for being a warm body in a chair. I just want to go home and curl up in bed. Coughing, stuffy head and just don't feel good. Please pass the chicken noodle soup and a blanket.

Scrapping projects. I have a few to work on. I finished up an altered item this weekend. Well, I think I am finished with it. I might have to put a few extra touches on it. I'm not 100% pleased with it yet. It is part of something for a Christmas gift. When I am happy with it and with the photos; I will post one.

Christmas shopping report: Darling daughter and I went shopping Saturday. We pretty much finished her list and I even got a couple of others on my list marked off. My son told me he just wanted Carhart jeans; that is it. Easy enough. Maybe I can finish up my shopping in one more day and a few lunch time errand runs. It will be here before we know it!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Run! Don't Walk ....

Several things make me think of running this morning; we are into November and the holiday 'rush' is bearing down upon us. But none of them are classified as the exercise kind of running.
RUN! It's time for shopping and the crowds will already be thickening. I used to shop early in November and beat the onslaught; however, everyone is thinking shop early now.

RUN! Right over to the CupcakeScrapshop! It's a new kit club, ran by a friend of mine ~ Colleen. She has a sneak peak up of her premier kit and it looks SOOOO YUMMY! Colleen and I work at the same U. We actually 'met' at an online scrapbook site, but we hit it off the first time we met in person. She is just the coolest! So check out the goodies and tell your friends too !!! Here is the link:

RUN! To get the big coats out. It's dipping into the 20's overnight in Georgia! Brrrrrr! Guess I need to make sure Leah pulls out her longjohns for Friday night's football game. It's gonna get cold people!

RUN! I feel like I am starting the sprint. So much to do and very little time to get it all done. My daughter plays in the band, it has been non-stop practice four days a week since late August. Then the football games started. In October, the band attended three competitions on Saturdays. So it has been a whirl wind. Their highschool football team is undefeated; which means we will be going to some portion of the playoffs. Ugh! Ok, ok I know. Where is my school 'spirit'? Sheesh, that is what being a teenager is about - pep rallys and spirit and YOUTH. Mom's just want a break!!! The busy holiday months, extra practices and thoughts of midnight taxi runs to the dark and cold band parking lot after away games is not my idea of getting into the 'holiday' spirit.

Besides, can I say it? Will I be tar'd and feather'd? I'm NOT a football fan. Yep, it's true. I grew up going to all the local football games with my dad and I enjoyed that father/daughter time. I cherish those memories. However, I'm not a fan. Daddy used to at least talk during the game to the players and coaches - Not that they heard a word of it with us in the stands! But it made it fun. Now I go to watch my daughter do the halftime show and I usually sneak out after talking with her right after their performance. Yep, I'm a 'halftime' parent. Let's face it, I wouldn't be sitting in the cold night air at all if my daughter wasn't in the band. So I don't feel bad about leaving after I go and support her. I sat out for about 8 hours last Saturday watching bands at the competition. Do I get a medal for that? *wink*

Run! One other little run and then I am done. My wonderful teenage daughter has to constantly run her mouth. Yep, we got into one of those mother/daughter 'discussions' last night because I wouldn't let her go out on yet another school night with her friends. She hates me. Said so. I just suck the fun right out of her life. Of course, she fell asleep in my chair and went to bed early. Guess she might actually be TIRED? Sleeping beauty too, cause when I woke her up to send her off to her comfy bed, she kissed me goodnight and said she loved me.
Ahhh... sometimes it is harder to stand my ground than it is to 'run' for everything life tosses at me.

Monday, October 30, 2006

A mom's nightmare....

So it's Halloween. Time for spooky stories and scary movies. Well, I have a real life 'scary' moment. My almost 20 year old son has purchased a motorcycle. A 'chick magnet'. Yes, this is a photo of him riding withOUT a helmet. He was in an empty parking lot; doing a 'test' drive. He rides with a brand new helmet.

I'm not thrilled. I didn't want him to buy it. I am not one of those HUGE worry warts. I gave him lots of 'room' when he turned 16 and could drive. I did ask for check in's in the beginning. I would see or hear an ambulance and call him. As the years passed; he showed his safety and responsibility, I could actually go to sleep if he hadn't yet arrived home for the night.

This is SO different. A motorcycle doesn't have antilock brakes or airbags. He has been careful on it. He is reading up on safety and precautions. He is a smart kid and NOT an aspiring dare devil stunt rider. Still, it scares me more than anything else he has done. I've already awoke from a dead sleep dreaming about it. I calmly went and checked under the carport ~ the bike was there. Then I went to his room and just touched him. Of course, I woke him up at 2:30 in the morning and scared him too. I busted out into tears. My dream was real. Probably because I no longer dream and haven't in years, that I can recall. This one was vivid, in color and I remembered every tiny detail. I went back to my room and just cried. The crying that racks your body and leaves you drained. It took at least another hour before I could go back to sleep.

Friday night we sat and talked for a long time after he came in from work. He told me about reading up on all the cautions and scenarios that 'could' happen on a bike. One of his buddies has given him some lessons. He isn't driving it too fast. He reassured me he watches EVERYthing and for everyone on the road. He told me about how he does this. I felt a bit better.

I told him, there is NO possible way for him to understand the fear of a mom. I told him I didn't even know if he would fully understand it the day he becomes a father ~ because a mom has carried this child within her and feels sole responsibility. I know I feel that more so because I have basically raised them alone for the last 12 years. Yes, their father still has weekend visitation and does spend that time with his children. However, I am the one there, day in and day out. I wouldn't have it any other way. But I told Derek that it would rip my world apart for something to happen to him. I came right out and said that I didn't want to bury him before I die. I know it may sound morbid to some. Yet, I needed him to know how much I care and how CAREFUL I want him to be.

He will be 20 in January. Technically a man, but always my 'little' boy. It's so hard some days to watch them become adults and then some days we wonder just how much longer it will take until they get there! The day he purchased the bike, is one of the days I still wish I could 'control' the boy; instead of watching my son grow into the man.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Cruise Photos

Ok, so it was in September and I turned 42, while IN Mexico! But I said I would share a few of the photos.

The very top photo is my BIRTHDAY picture IN Cozumel. The next photo (in the middle) is the night of my birthday ~ dinner outfit for the dining room.

This last photo is the final night of the cruise at sunset on the back of the ship.

The food was awesome, the crew was friendly, the shows were good and Mexico was HOT. It was a birthday to remember!

Can you teach an old ‘dog’ new tricks???

I’ve heard that old saying all my life: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
Well, I’m not sure if that saying was proven or not yesterday.
My mother has been telling me for at least a month that my aunt wanted me to come up and teach her how to scrapbook. (My aunt lives about 40 minutes north of us).
So finally Saturday, after a bit of scrapping myself, I called my mom to see if we could do the deed on Sunday. The page posted was created Saturday. This photo had been lying around on my kitchen table for weeks. Apparently one of my daughter’s friends snapped it and then printed it out. So I whipped up this page just for FUN. It was quick, easy and is simple. I just wanted to enjoy the process and not get so caught up in having to have a ‘perfect’ page.

My mom called back to let me know that my aunt was delighted and would even be taking us to lunch. So I packed up the basics: my paper cutter, scissors, a black Zig pen, a few scrap magazines and some of my recent pages to show my aunt.

I drug myself out of the bed on Sunday morning after 5 hours of sleep (My daughter had a band competition and it was a 3am bedtime – UGH). I picked up my mom and headed to my aunts house. We quickly assessed her scrapping purchases ~ two pair of scissors (wavy and deckle), a plastic oval cutout sheet complete with exacto knife and cutting mat, one black micro journaling pen and a few packs of pastel cardstock along with some kit purchase from QVC.

You also have to be told that my mom is 72 years old and my aunt is 78!

Lunch was at a country cooking diner, actually located in the restaurant my aunt and uncle owned and operated years ago. Good home cooking. Then we headed off to Michaels. I had her pick up some black cardstock and a heritage pack also. Since she wanted to start with very old black and white photos of my mom’s family (her husband’s). I also was thrilled to find a couple of mini album kits on clearance for $4.00! ~ a tin kit and a folder tab mini album. They will be great to whip out quickly.

Back to my aunt’s house. She has this adorable little room with a table in it. It must be intended for a small office, but works great for a mini crafting room. I would LOVE to have one that size in my house.

My aunt had pulled out a lot of the family photos, however, had no idea where to begin. So I questioned her a bit of what she wanted the ‘book’ to tell others and we started from there. Or should I say *I* started from there. With very little supplies to work with I made a title page for the album. I ended up getting about 6 pages completed with photos and journaling over the course of several hours . My mom and aunt sorted other photos; while I grouped them together for ideas for pages. I also told them to TELL the ‘stories’. A few of which, I heard from them yesterday. They have photos of the ‘old’ home place. Tell me MORE than where it was located. How big was it mom? How many of the ‘children’ lived in it when you moved there? Side note: my mom is the baby of eleven children; 9 of which moved into this two bedroom house with their parents and one ailing grandmother in 1936. There was an added lento room on the back with the back porch that the boys slept in; piled high in that room was also my grandmother’s quilts. The outhouse was on the back side of the barn. While my grandmother milked the cow in the evenings; the boys usually rough housed and fought by running around the kitchen table. My grandparents made their own butter, grew their own vegetables, raised and slaughtered their hogs. They only purchased sugar and flour at the store. They also had a cotton crop for income. The family attended the church located directly next door. Three of the boys played various musical instruments and my mom sang.

That is just a bit of what they shared. I WANT that in the book. I said, ‘we’ won’t remember that; only YOU can tell us the story.
After a while, I asked my aunt if she was learning how to scrapbook. Her reply was how often can I come back ???? Yes, I am the one that ‘stuck’ the simple pages down and they are the ones that gave me the memories. Hopefully I will be going back often.

So did I actually teach the elderly to scrapbook or did they teach me? Journaling is not one of my strong points; yet I kept hearing myself tell them over and over that I want to know the ‘stories’. Maybe we all learned something yesterday.

Been a LONG time ....

Yep, it’s been FOREVER since I blogged. So let me see if I can do one massive update.

August – School started back for EVERYONE in our household. I work at a University and the students came back; which means crazy hours the first week of school for my office and busy non-stop days. I was also assigned a ‘new’ job task. I am now the Trademark Licensing Office on campus. Uh, that would be ‘me’; just me. I worked with the Assistant Vice President in order to put together the license agreement and get that out to all of the vendors we do business with here that use our logos. So that has been a huge undertaking. I have enjoyed the process because I love getting the ball rolling on new ideas!

My son, now in his second year of college, also started school back in August. He decided to take all of his classes on Tuesday and Thursday, meaning he can live at home and commute the hour drive two days a week. This saved a little over $2000.00 in fees.
He is working the other three days a week.

My teenage daughter started high school this year. She is also in the marching band. So August was a VERY busy month for her (and me as her ‘taxi’!). Band camp was a week and a half long. Then school started directly after that. The band practices 4 days a week, with football games on Friday nights. Needless to say, we are running the roads constantly!

September - I turned 42 on September 9th. I was fortunate enough to have a friend take me on a cruise for my birthday. This was a long time dream of mine. I ‘rang in’ my birthday in Cozumel, Mexico!!! Our port of call was ON my birthday. Now, the flip side of that was that is was EXTREMELY hot. However, it was two firsts for me. I took a cruise AND was out of the ‘country’ ON my birthday. Yes, I have a photo or two; didn't really MAKE a lot of them; but I will try to post one on this update tonight at home.
September continued with band functions and football games with my daughter. Plus a niece’s birthday tossed in there too.

October - We are ALMOST finished with this month! Where has it gone????
For me, it meant more band and football games PLUS adding in band competitions and festivals on Saturdays. I got in after 2am this past Saturday night from picking up my daughter after a competition. She has been enjoying it as their band has already won two Grand Champions at their festivals. We have another one this weekend fairly close that I plan to attend, weather permitting! It will be exciting as one of my older nieces will also be at this same competition. So it should be a family outing with my sister and mom attending.

So really you, what couple of readers I have (laughing!); really haven’t missed TOO much going on with me.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The 'perfect' purse

If you all knew how hard it is for me to find a purse that I actually LIKE; much less LOVE ~ well, let's just say it has taken hours upon hours of looking, only to leave an entire mall empty handed. I was at my sister's a couple of weekends ago and saw this purse; her 'new' purse and fell in LOVE. Just happens that she got it at a Bass Outlet store while vacationing. Drats! Just happens, my loving sister says ~ that mom is there this weekend! Alright! I called up mommie dearest and asked if they went into town to please look for the purse. They were on sale and there were ONLY 2 left in the store. You are looking at MY very own Bass 'backpack' type leather purse. I LOVE it! My sister brought it over yesterday! Mom says it's an early birthday gift ~ so it's FREE too! Thanks, Mom.

So for it to be a 'perfect' purse for me it has to have certain features.

  1. Durable - CHECK
  2. Pocket on the outside to hold my keys ~ I HATE fumbling around in the bottom of a purse to find them! - CHECK
  3. Small; I don't need to be able to carry the kitchen sink out of the house with me and this helps me avoid that ~ my back thanks me. - CHECK
  4. Attractive - I think it passes. *smile*

Ok, so I will admit that it isn't really THE 'perfect' purse; because it really doesn't look to great with some of my business attire. However, if I have a meeting that is with the 'big wigs' then I will just leave my 'perfect' for me purse in my locked desk drawer.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

5 months until Christmas !

With the temperature outside climbing close to 90 degrees today (cooler thanks to the cloud cover) and I'm thinking that we only have five months left before Christmas. It will be here before we know it! So for those of us that make our Christmas cards and Christmas gifts, it's time to start at least thinking about it!

How am I actually suppose to plan for five months down the road when my baby is starting high school on August 10th?! My oldest will start his sophomore year of college a few days after that!
Band and football will be in full force for months. My birthday is in September and I am FINALLY getting to take that cruise I wanted to do for my 40th birthday. I need a dress for the captains dinner. YIKES!

Does it ever slow down? You know, life???? I'm working nine hour days four days a week with a half day on Fridays (ten if you count in my lunch hour); which mixed with the heat and stomach problems (Doctors appointment coming up on July 31st) has left me exhausted. I'm a night owl that has been going to bed around 8pm! Or at least coming in and taking a mini nap; then still going to bed at night. I refuse to believe it is 'old' age!!

Scrapping ~ well I did do a page last week. So far, it's been fit time in when I can and the there hasn't been enough hours in the day to do all the ideas in my head. I have two mini projects I want to do and a couple of page ideas too. Plus I have a box of the neatest color cardstock cards that I purchased on clearance at Hobby Lobby. I have really wanted to sit down and just make up a bunch of miscellaneous cards to have on hand and possibly sets for gifts. Hopefully I can make some time for scrapping this weekend.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Easy & fun Scrappin'

I took a challenge over on 2peas based on the new Ali E book! Had to randomly, with your eyes closed, pick 6 patterned papers and punch into squares. Then add 3 punched photos ~ with journaling around the outside. There were many different 'takes' on this challenge and I loved seeing all the different ideas in the 2peas Gallery. This is mine. It was fairly quick (looking for the pictures took the longest!) and it was FUN! Super easy, so I enjoyed the process.

How the years pass! These were pictures that I made in 2000. I actually used them for a calendar that I made that year for my mother and grandmother with different photos throughout the year. This was for the month of April. Just some candid shots on a rainy day. A little bit of 'liquid fun'.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Why do I do this????

How is it that when I smile for a photo of myself; I ALWAYS squint my eyes almost closed??? I really don't care to have my picture made. I don't think I am photogentic. So here is a picture a friend made of me on the 4th of July. I like it ok, except for my squinty eyes. Does it make me look 'shifty'? *laugh*

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Getting geared back up for school around my house. My son, Derek, will be starting classes back in a few weeks at his University. My daughter, Leah, will be entering high school. She actually will get a taste of things to come with band camp in about a week. Oh the FUN of being a 'rookie' at band camp!!! I am sure she will be testy, ill, hot and exhausted at the end of the day. Add that to the 'normal' grouchiness of a teenager and OH MY!

Scrapbook wise, I finished up several 'undone' projects at the house over the weekend. I also finished up a Circle Journal entry for Sally's CJ at It was on Simple Pleasures. I kept with her color theme in the album and this is my layout. I hate that the scanner cut off all the inking; it does go around EVERY side.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Used some Heidi Swapp products (flower, tab label); My Mind's Eye ~ Wild Asparagus pattern paper, Ranger Distress Ink and a Technique Tuesday stamp. Sally did something different with her CJ in our 'sign in' was an actual page, plus she gave us the option of making an extra page to round out to 4 with a quote or poem. My complete entry can be seen at ScrappersGalore:
Or at my 2Peas gallery here:

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Beach FUN!

I took my daughter to the beach for July 4th. We went with a friend of mine and her twin boys. It was such a wonderful experience as it was the boys very first visit to the beach! Leah is holding Caleb and he wasn't really impressed with the sand. However, I LOVE this photo of the two of them. It reminds us all to take in new experiences through the eyes of a child and see the wonder in our world. Although my teenage daughter isn't really impressed with the picture of herself not all 'dolled' up. I love it! She actually looks so sweet.

Our June sponsor at was Bo Bunny Press. I've shared a page with their products and thought I would also share this cute little cardboard box we had to alter for the month. All of my 'kit' had a beach theme. How awesome to use it with this and end up with a keepsake memory box for our July 4th trip! Leah and I spent a morning hunting shells so that she could save some for the memory box. We also filled a tiny ziplock with just a couple of spoonfuls of sand. Then she added her receipt from a desired Pineapple Willie restaurant t-shirt purchase. Along with a few other girly remembrances.

I fondly remember family vacations to Panama City Beach, Florida growing up. We went every year. We stayed in the same hotel every year. I even fondly remember a crush on the pool boy. I made a long time pen pal friend one year and we wrote letters back and forth throughout high school and even up until we were married with children. We lost touch for a while, but through the connections of the internet were able to reconnect.

I hope my children will one day look back and remember our family vacations through their albums, their own memories and a tiny keepsake memory box.

Monday, July 10, 2006

My 1st Circle Journal!!!

My Design Team board ~ ScrappersGalore had signups for a circle journal swap. I have seen them going around for a while....have scrapper friends that have participated in them. Yet, I had never jumped in the mix. Well, I signed up for this one and then contemplated what I wanted my circle journal to reflect. I decided I wanted it to be about 'Play'. Something that touches on my personality and REMINDS me to play in my own life. Being over the 40 mark and a single mom trying to keep things going with two teenagers; I can occasionally forget to REMEMBER to 'play' in my daily life. I am a fun loving person, yet get caught up in all the 'things' that have to be done every day. So with this circle journal I 'played' with my scrapping and had a blast putting it together. Plus I reminded myself to play along the way ~ even at 41!
When I get this back, I hope that it will serve as a reminder on those hectic days to stop and enjoy some 'play' time. Loved!!!!!!! playing with the Junkitz paper for this little 'album'. There is also Heidi Swapp paint (black) used on the cover and letters. Some of the Queen and Company flowers too. It was a fun project!!!
If you would like to view it all you can at the following links:



Monday, June 12, 2006

Working at the Car Wash ~

Do you remember Car Wash fundraising? We had them ALL the time growing up. Along with Bake Sales. This is my niece, Brandy at her cheerleading squads car wash. THAT is my little extra travel car that has saved me TONS in gas lately. I've parked the SUV for the most part.
My daughter will be 15 in December, so I had already been scouting some type of small dependable vehicle. This little car has been perfect.

The cheerleaders actually raised a tad over $200 at their car wash. It will help pay for equipment and travel to competitions. They had a blast on a hot day, beating the heat by goofing off with a squirt at each other! I stood around for a while remembering days gone by and reminding myself to act SILLY every now and again; just to remain young and have a little fun!

Monday, June 05, 2006

June CONTEST at ScrappersGalore!

Show us your BEST homemade mini-album!

This can be ANY type mini-album, as long as it is not one that you purchased and scrapped. Think of all the types of mini-albums: Paper bag albums, altered chipboard albums and cardstock albums in all types of shapes! Some of the newest ideas for mini’s include over sized playing cards and even flip flops! So get your creativity flowing and scrap your own mini album. There is NO specific ‘theme’ requirement for your mini album. Some theme ideas for a jump start are: Fathers, summer, Vacation, Camping, Graduation, Independence Day.

Contest Requirements: * No purchased or manufactured albums. * Your mini album should have a minimum of 8 pages WITH a cover. * Please email the cover AND a minimum of 3 pages to Please try to keep your files at 150kb due to downloading times. * Recognizable ‘theme’. * Photos are NOT required in your mini album; however, it may include photos and journaling. * ONE entry per person. If we receive more than one entry, you will be disqualified from this contest. * Deadline for entry is midnight EST, June 30th, 2006. * Entries will be judged by the Design Team and Administrative Staff of Scrappers Galore; with the winner announced on July 8th, 2006. * The winner will receive a Bo-Bunny Friendship Boardbook kit.

It was my month on the DT rotation for an idea. So I hope you like it and will enter! Good LUCK!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

For the love of the BEACH!

I love the beach so it was fun working with this months sponsor for ScrappersGalore's Design Team - Bo Bunny Press and their beach themed summery papers! This is an old photo of me and my children on the beach. Wow! Was it a long time ago! It's fun going through those old photographs and remembering the great times.
Memorial weekend I actually went back to the beach (Panama City) after 4 years. I love the ocean and the sound of the water. Panama City holds special memories for me, as this was the beach my family always took our vacation when I was a child. I have since visited Gulf Shores and Destin. I have to admit, even though I still have fond memories of PC, Destin is now my favorite vacation spot.
The wonderful thing about the beach this year was the vast amount of shells along the shore. I picked up a small bag full and they are now in a small glass fish bowl in my room. More memories to keep!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My new FAVORITE page ~

This is my new favorite page. It was actually a challenge on ScrappersGalore to lift someone. We were assigned partners and I lifted a page of Jami's. I just LOVE how this turned out. I LOVE the chipboard letters. I actually adhered pattern paper to the letters and they really pop. LOVE the Heidi Swapp flowers!!!!! Love the colors and how it all turned out. It isn't over the top, but I just LOVE it. Simply adorable. Another photo of my daughter with her best friend and our neighbors daughter. Good times, Great smiles. FUN page.

KI Memories sponsored May ~

A picture of my daughter made by some of her friends one afternoon up town at an old home. Loved working with the pattern paper and chipboard of KI Memories and the new stamps I picked up at the Scrap Event. Yes, I smudged one of the stamps ~ however, I hope years from now when she looks at this page she will remember that her Mom wasn't 'perfect' either. I like the page. It's funky and whimsical. It works for me.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Scrappers Galore MAY contest ! Join us!!!!

May Contest – Scrappers Galore April showers bring….. MAY FLOWERS!
This month’s contest features those beautiful, versatile, fun embellishments you can find in an assortment of vibrant colors…. FLOWERS! Be it Prima, Heidi Swapp, or Lil’ Davis, flowers enhance the beauty of our layouts and add natural touches. Also, floral prints can be found on ribbons, patterned paper, and a variety of other embellishments. And what good are flower blossoms without the vines, stems, leaves, and other fanciful details to accompany them?
You can’t flip through a scrapbooking magazine or browse an online gallery without seeing DOODLING displayed! Not sure where to begin? Check out “Become a Doodling Diva” here!

To submit a layout for the May contest, please be sure your 1-2 page LO has two or more of the following:
1. A MINIMUM of THREE paper/silk flowers/blossoms
2. At least one example of ribbon w/floral print, a flower created out of ribbon, or any other embellishment featuring flowers/flower print – or try them ALL!
3. At least one example of patterned paper with a flower pattern
4. Example(s) of your best doodling! If your layout does not meet any of the requirements, your entry will be disqualified. If you submit a 2 page layout, please stitch them together and send it as one file (a maximum of 150 kb). Make sure you list all materials and any techniques used. Email your entry to
The winner will receive a floral embellishment kit and be featured on our homepage, newsletter and message board. Contest ends May 31 and judging will be by the design team and admin staff.
We can’t wait to see how your creative ideas blossom!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Scrap Etc. Event, 2 words: Exhausted & INSPIRED

First let me say and share something personal:
For about the last 6 months I've been taking a LONG hard look at myself, my life, the people in it, things that are happening or were NOT happening and decided to make a change. It is ONE of the reasons I've been so quiet here. I didn't want to post something 'cheery' JUST for the sake of updating. I had a LONGGGGGGGG talk over several nights with 2 of my closest friends last week before leaving for the Scrap Event. I just wanted things worked out for myself. It's nothing major; nor was I depressed. It is more about changing directions in my life.

Then I get to the Scrap Etc. Event and on the first day, Heidi Swapp's class spoke DIRECTLY to me. Ya'll I CRIED. It was the MESSAGE. Then the next day Heidi did her 'She' class and I BAWLED, not just cried I sobbed. Again, it was the message. It affirmed EVERYTHING that I've been thinking about and talking over with friends. It was surreal. I had a wonderful and emotional time. It was like a spiritual meeting for me; in many ways. Hey, we scrappers are like that! We come together to share a part of ourselves, our lives, our hopes, dreams and so much more. We can identify with each other and we 'get it'. Thank YOU Heidi Swapp for sharing your inner self with us all.

Cathy Z is a HOOT! I could totally see hanging out with her. She made me laugh, she made me tear up. What a WONDERFUL engaging speaker. What an INSPIRING writer (oh if I could just tap into that within myself!). What wonderful ideas she shared with us all. If scrapping ever goes belly up (which I do not believe); Cathy Z could be a stand up comedian!

Elsie - OMGosh, how CUTE is she???? Really adorable! Really 'REAL'. She handles all of this 'celeb' biz with SUCH style and grace at her age. I totally LOVE her work. I think she is SUCH a cutie pie. I love how she just isn't conformed by the 'lines' of what we 'should' do in scrapping. Her work is truly an art form. LOVED the mini album class. Such a KEWL project. Enjoyed the fun inspiration jar class. How neat to just play with paint and decorate.

Carrie C - is a sweetheart. I can't believe she did this a week before her wedding! I enjoyed the color class. It's an adorable mini project that I will refer back to for words, colors, inspiration.

Loved the extra projects - Great folded mini album (wonderful instructor - LOVED that she kept everyone ON track). Also made this REALLY cool magnetic board out of sheet metal that WE folded. Totally awesome idea!

I took a 4x6 mini notebook. I THINK I have about 5 pages left in it without notes. I can't wait to type them all up. I came away totally inspired, moved beyond my expectations and full of ideas/information. My review is that I plan to attend the NEXT one!

I got to meet Gina who is also on a few online boards with me. She made me feel like her INSTANT 'friend'. Took me into their group. She is wonderful! Thanks for letting me hang with you!

I have some photos still in the camera. I will try to share some this week.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

ScrappersGalore Design Team Member

Whew! It's been a LONG 2 weeks holding this in. I am so very EXCITED and HONORED to have been chosen to be a part of the Design Team. It's a wonderful site with some of the nicest folks on the web!
Today was the big reveal and also kicks off the BIRTHDAY BASH celebration for the sites 2nd birthday. There is an AWESOME sale going on with FREE shipping this weekend to those in the US; plus challenges with prizes month long and some wonderful inspiration from the sponsor this month -
I really had a blast working with my Chatterbox goodies over the last week. This LO is my 'Me' page for the DT.
I've neglected my blog this week, while scrapping away to get things ready for today! It's been fun, exciting and challenging in ways that I didn't imagine.
Thank you to Sachie (the store owner) and Alicia (the DT coordinator), Lyn and Patter (the other DT Gals!) for all their support and for this opportunity. Thanks also to all my online scrapping buds that have believed in me, while I set out on this journey of submitting. A SPECIAL thanks to Sophia Corbridge and Laura Soloman for all of their encouragement.
Stop by and join the party!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Happy Birthday BRANDY!

Today is my niece Brandy's birthday. She turned Sweet 16. We attended her birthday celebration late this afternoon. There were lots of teens, balloons, music, tons of food and of course a huge cake. My sister through a cookout 'party' at a local state park inside one of their pavilions. Thank goodness it was indoors because the wind was typical March and very cold. You would never guess that seeing this photo!

I was there in the room when Brandy was born. My sister, Sonya went into the hospital on the 24th. It was a very long night and not an easy delivery. Brandy was born on my Dad's birthday. Although Dad is no longer here to celebrate this day with us. I am always reminded of him today. I know he was smiling down seeing everyone together ~ his daughters and all of his grandchildren. I like to think Bran has my dad's eyes, even though her father's eyes are also blue.

Happy Birthday Brandy! Stay safe driving.
Happy Birthday Daddy! I miss you much.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Friends & Neighbors

I noticed Monday leaving to take my daughter to school that our grass had been cut sometime over the weekend. It had to have been cut on Saturday, while I was out shopping, because it was a beautiful day. Sunday it rained all day. I also noticed that my neighbors grass was the same height! My neighbor Mark does this occassionally during 'grass' season. A nice surprise. However, I feel like my immediate next door neighbors are also my friends. Our children run together. You can't say teenagers 'play'; that is such a 'childish' term. We borrow cups of milk, salt, sugar, ice from eachother. We call each other to find out where are children are at times. They are the BEST neighbors I've ever had and honestly I don't know what I would do without them living just next door.

I have been blessed with friends of many sorts in my life.

Jane, I have known since I was a teenager. We grew up in the same church together; taught a church teenage group; laughed and shopped together. She puts up with my terrible singing in the car!

Donna, I've known for about 9 years. I sat with her mother when she was very ill with cancer after my car accident; while she drove my kids to school. She isn't a scrapper, but pulled over Saturday when I squealed about seeing tulips and wanted pictures. She shops with me at scrapbook stores too. Sometimes even bringing me something and telling me I NEED it. We ride horses together. My kids have spent countless hours in her swimming pool during the summer and we also camp together at the lake.

I have a friend from high school that lives in another state now. Felicia. We keep up with emails and Christmas cards.

I have met MANY scrapbook friends through the power of the internet. I have a small group of ladies in the Metro Atlanta Area that I have had the pleasure of cropping together. I've met many others through various scrap communities. I've laughed with them; shared my scrap pages and passion of this hobby with them and my life with them.

I love watching my children develop friendships that hopefully will last them a lifetime. It is a RARE thing to have a true friend. I am a people person. I LOVE meeting new friends, people and getting to know them. My mother says I've never met a stranger. I got 'talks too much' on my report cards in school! So I guess it's true!

I'm honored by all the friends I've made in my life. Some are the "call in the middle of the night if you need to" kinda friends. Others are just those that give a word of encouragement along the way. All play an important role.

So to you my friends, thank you for your friendship. It means SO much to me!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Happy Spring!

Ok, so I'm a day early. The flowers I saw yesterday, think it's already Spring. Beautiful tulips! Which happen to be my 2nd favorite flower.

Went shopping yesterday in Newnan. I like going there for several reasons. There is a good scrapbook store; where I happened to pick up some of the latest Basic Grey papers! There is an Old Navy, Kohls and Ross. Plus there is a Texas Roadhouse - AWESOME food; SUPER service. I hit them all yesterday; plus a couple of extras - Michaels, Target, Shoe Carnival. I rarely shop for myself (with the exception of scrap shopping of course!). I can't seem to find clothes that I like; either it looks TOO old or way TOO young for me. I was thrilled to find several items PLUS a new pair of sandals for summer. Now I just need a new pair of sunglasses, because I am actually wearing a pair that is broken every day.

Can't wait to play with my new scrapping goodies! I have ideas for this and that going on in my head. However, my body today is not cooperating. Along with blooming flowers comes the sneezing, stuffy head and running nose. I have all 3 today. Took my sinus meds last night, but they are not working great today. Plan to take more tonight so hopefully I will be back to me tomorrow. Especially since I took the day off! I don't want to be yucky on an off day.
I did however, get some journaling done in advance of a page that is brewing. I never journal first before the page; so that is a FIRST too. I have the title, journaling, photo and paper picked out. Now just to feel like sitting there to work on it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

10 Things I recommend...

Took Sophia's blog challenge from 2peas on 10 Things I recommend. Here they are:

1. Card Game: Apples to Apples. Sophia was talking away about this one day on a message board. I got it Christmas 3 years ago and it’s a family favorite. GUARANTEED for laughs!

2. If you like Word Searches, if you kids like them OR your kids have to do one for a school project – this is the ‘easy’ button for Word Search puzzles!

3. Take at least ONE Dream Vacation in your lifetime. I have been fortunate to be able to do this several times! In 1984, I vacationed in Hawaii. My Mom had always talked about wanting to see Hawaii. I begged her to go along. She didn’t. When I landed on the big island; I felt the tears well up. It was beautiful and I wish Mom would have come along. I made plenty of photos for her and tried to see and experience every inch of it to share with her through my memories. Go on your ‘dream’ vacation!

4. Take a class, ANY class ~ a hobby class, an educational class; what ever floats your boat! Keep your mind active.

5. Santa Fe Quesadilla Maker – the best kitchen ‘gadget’ I own, 2nd to my crockpot. Less than twenty bucks on sale.

6. Chip Chatter Letters – LOVE these new letters. I know they come in tall and a smaller size. You can distress them and they look awesome!

7. Tell those you love, that you love them – your children, your family, and your friends.

8. Books by Nora Roberts. Great romance writer.

9. Take time for yourself. With our busy schedules, sometimes we forget ourselves!

10. Shoot for your DREAMS! You might just reach them.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Ultimate form of Flattery

To a scrapper is to be “scrap lifted”. I have been flattered twice within two days! Alicia (aka TXscrapper) over at loved and lifted my title from the page I posted on my blog yesterday. Then today I am checking out the gallery at 2peas to see that Poe lifted my ‘Cousins’ layout. You can see Poe's version here: . This page was actually made for a contest based on a Bazzill Basic Sketch. I had fun with my new Chip Chatter letter! They are super.

I have been applying for Design Teams because of:
-My passion for this hobby
-My desire to see others grow and FEEL successful in their own works of art (will just THRILL me to no end)
-My desire to inspire others through my art and my personality (I really have a deep desire that has been placed within me to hopefully inspire others in this hobby and by being a 'joy' where ever and when ever I can).
-My genuine love for getting to know others (I'm a motor mouth! Plus I love learning about others)

Those are the reasons as they relate to others; there are a few more personal reasons also that relate to my own personal growth. However, when I saw the layout posted and poe’s comments. I got that SAME feeling. That humbleness and that flattered giddy feeling plus a feeling of ‘wow, just wow’. I think right after that there was a moment of a 'fog' that I thought; gee I inspired someone. Gave me the warm fuzzies! Thanks Poe! You made my day!!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

A bit of scrapping ~ 2 different types!

Look how adorable my daughter was at the age of 5 1/2. I try to remember THOSE moments; when the 'evil' teenager kicks in like she has more than once this weekend. Sometimes teens are worse than 2 year olds. Think temper tantrums! I still LOVE her bunches though, look at those CUTE cheeks!

Participated in a cyber crop over at . I enjoyed playing with this page, stamping/cutting the flowers to add plus using that new white sharpie pen. It was great to use scraps from my stash and work with an older photo. The crop was bunches of fun and I've had a great time getting to know all the wonderful ladies over there! The Design Team announcement is April 1st. I've already emailed off my final submission (which is not this LO). Now the waiting begins. Cross all body parts for me! I would be HONORED to be a part of the great team of talent over there. Plus it would be AWESOME fun!

This past week I've worked hard on my scrapping goals; along with starting a notebook of ideas to help promote a scrapping site. I am taking my design team submissions seriously. I want to be prepared and ready to get started if and when I get 'the call'. Having everything in writing gives me a clearer focus. I can just add to it without having to remember it for the future. Then I can concentrate on designing and creating with those ideas referenced.

I've also jumped in and volunteered to try and organize a 'Pea Pub Meet' at the Scrap Etc. Event next month in Birmingham, Alabama. Working out the details and should have more news on that soon! I can't wait to meet some of the fantastic pub peas from 2Peas. So watch for an 'official' thread over there when the details get worked out I will be posting it.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

"Mom, I've been shot"

NOT something you want to hear on the phone driving home from work. However, those were the words my son said to me this evening as I was pulling into my driveway.

First off, I didn't know he was out doing target practice with a couple of buddies. Second, we have ALWAYS preached and taught gun safety in our house. His father was raised hunting and around guns. My father always had guns in the house. My children KNOW the rules about guns. Derek goes deer hunting, duck hunting and has handled guns for several years now. Plus he has had the hunter safety course. Derek said he was already uncomfortable as one of the boys was "acting foolish". Derek wasn't even shooting, he was a by stander.

Apparently, one of the boys laid his shot gun on the ground loaded; reached down to pick it up and accidentally pulled the trigger in the process. THANKFULLY the gun was angled toward the ground. THANKFULLY my son wore his steel toe boots. Derek ended up with ONE bird shot pellet in his leg; several others went through the leg of his jeans. He was standing 2 feet from the blast. There could have been a different outcome. He could have lost his leg completely. THANKFULLY that did not happen. Derek also left immediately. He didn't have his vehicle there. He called a trusted family friend of ours that lives in the area and had them come to pick him up. He was upset, mad and I am sure a range of other emotions.

He also KNEW not to ask his mom to come get him in order to avoid a 'scene'. I don't deal well with nonsense. It's not like I don't know the other boys that were present. I know their families. At least, the father of the boy that accidentally shot Derek did call to check on him a bit later. Then stated that Derek shouldn't have been standing in front of the gun. All I will say to this is excuse me, who puts a LOADED gun on the ground and then proceeds to pick it up at the trigger?????????????? Thank you, enough said.

Off my soap box!

I did get to inspect the 'wound'. It will heal, but I'm sure the 'accident' made a HUGE impression.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Doll Baby

Isn't she a little doll? This is my youngest niece. I visited my sister this weekend and snapped this picture, along with several others outside. She has 8 teeth at 10 months old and is pulling up. She likes to rock back and forth to music. She has the cutest giggle!

I love that I still have a 'baby' in the family. Especially as my children grow older and become more independent each day. My son amazes me with his responsible thinking. He and I were talking this weekend about school, grades, co-op work, a recent job fair at his university. I wonder sometimes WHERE does that knowledge inside him come from? When did he get so 'grown'?

My mother has been blessed with 7 grandchildren. My son is the only boy in the lot and he is the oldest of them all. I have been blessed to be present at the birth of 4 out of 5 of my nieces. Watching a child come into this world is one of the most amazing things and each life such a gift to us.

I love capturing this stage of a child. So innocent and pure. They grow so fast. I will blink and Misty will be a teenager, dating and all that jazz. I am so glad to have the photos and the memories. I am also grateful that I found such a wonderful hobby in scrapbooking; where I have the opportunity to record all of this. Just another of the reasons why it is my passion!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I was squealing GALORE!

After lunch today I was checking out a couple of the scrapbook sites. Went over to to see MY NAME on the list of Design Team finalists! I actually SQUEALED in my office. Thankfully there was only a student worker here. There are 11 finalists and they will pick 3 from those to add to their DT! The finalists have a secret assignment to be turned in by March 12th. Ok, I will stress over that part another day. Today is for excitement instead.

I haven't been able to think about much this afternoon, so I have not been productive at work. Just completed the basics! Oops!

I have only begun putting myself out there this year and submitting, so this is HUGE to me. Little ole scrapbooker from GAWga. I am beyond ecstatic, over joyed and VERY honored to be picked out of all the awesome talent.

Thanks for allowing me to share!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Random Thoughts Tuesday

To answer the question in my last post - NO my mom did not cut my hair. Like ah, remember I said she is 70? She mostly does little blue haired ladies hair that wants a 'shampoo and set'; then spray that sucker down, so it will look good for church on Sunday. These ladies still go to the beauty shop for a 'treat'; because someone else ALWAYS washes their hair. I can't even imagine! Not to say I don't love my mom and my mom is STILL a good hairdresser. However, she hasn't cut my hair in almost 9 years now. I about had a stroke the first time I had to PAY for a color and cut job too. (Yes, I have grey hair - now ya know & yes I color it sometimes). The shot of me in my last post is ah-naturale! Can't see much of the grey in the picture but I have TONS of it.

Leah turned in a huge project on the Civil War yesterday. An ABC album full of facts about the war, definitions for each letter and a picture to match. I'm SO glad that is out of the way. She did 98% of the work entirely herself. Can't wait to find out the grade!

It feels like spring here today. Yes, I know old man Winter will show us he isn't through with us yet; but I am LOVING this warmer, sunny weather!

Titles - no not job titles; scrapbook titles for pages. This topic was discussed today on a site about the OVER use of certain titles, especially the one word titles. The one that popped into my mind instantly when I read it was "Too cute to spook". Dunno why.
So now I am on a mission to start looking for some NEW, refreshing TITLE IDEAS. I will be glad to post the ones I find or make up for sharing. So if you stop by and have one leave me a comment with a NEW, Refreshing title!

Last thing - WHERE did the month of February go? I can not believe it will be March tomorrow. I know I was in a fog for a part of the month, freezing for a bit and scrapping for a LOT of the month. It just seems like it flew past! I think they say time goes faster the older we get; but I am still feeling SPRY - most days.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Haircuts and 'dos'

Got a haircut finally this week. It's a bit shorter than I wanted, but it's JUST hair and mine grows fast. I've actually had short hair since late 1983. I let my hair grow shoulder length before my August wedding. We went to the Bahamas on our honeymoon. It was SO hot. As soon as I got home, I went straight to Mom's shop and said "Chop it ALL off". That she did!! It was too short then for sure and with no help of our current day 'gunk' that can be applied to give it a styling boost. For the record, my mom is a hairdresser, still to this day she works at the age of 70.

I was once a 'guinea' pig at a hair show. Allowed a guy salon owner from Arizona to cut and color my hair. LOVED it! However, I couldn't fly to Arizona once a month to keep it maintained. Such a bummer too. Felt like a runway model that day.

Love my short hair though. Over the years I have thought about growing it back out, however, I like not having to mess with it much and still being 'stylish'. A curling iron nor a blow dryer has touched my hair in years. Plus I don't even use a brush on it! Just wash, towel dry, add gunk and go! Gotta love that.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My 15 minutes of FAME

In 2002, I had my 15 minutes of fame. That is me under the blue arrow. Betcha didn't know I was an "actress"?
I've always been a comedian in life. I can make fun of myself and laugh it off. So when the local newspaper had an article on the upcoming try outs for the community theatre play and it was a comedy; I knew I wanted to try it. I had never acted before in my life. I was TERRIFIED at auditions. I walked into this room full of people and didn't recognize a soul. I thought great, I don't have a chance. They've all been doing this forever. When the directors called me to come read for a part. I read it - that was it. Just straight from the book. It was awful I am sure! Then in walked this redhead with long hair and attitude. When she read for her part it was over the top awesome. This wasn't her first 'rodeo' as they say.
Finally they called me up again. One of the directors said, "read this like you would never do it on stage, WAY over do it." Then he told us a bit about each of the characters. I lucked out and got Nolie, a 40 something old maid bitter recluse with a broken heart. I read the part and put everything into it. I have a sarcastic side! I showed up for the 2nd night of auditions and was barely called up to read. My heart SANK. I just knew I didn't make it. I was later told that I got the part the 1st night of auditions! Of course I would get the part with the awful hairdo (I even grew my hair out for the play), terrible makeup and horrendous outfit! So much for my acting debut.
Being in the play was a lot of hard work. Practices three nights a week. Working on building the set on weekends. Then there were 3 night performances and one added on Sunday afternoon. Plus learning my lines. What was I thinking? Thankfully, my daughter ran lines with me every night and knew them as well as me, along with many of the other characters lines too.
Opening night was jitters. Not only was this a play, but it was a dinner theatre where the characters served the dinner and had to stay in character while serving. My part was the best for that, because my character was rude and didn't care if she remembered the 'orders' correctly! I had a blast and it went off without a hitch. It was the most amazing experience. My family came to see me 'on stage'; people from work came, including my bosses and their wives; friends too. My picture was in the local paper several times. I worked with the most wonderful group of amateur actors and actresses anywhere. They helped me remember that left stage is really on the right and right on the left. They were encouraging as well as hilarious.
With this I also marked off one of the things I have always wanted to do in life. Not the 15 minutes of fame (hardly enough for ALL the hard work!); but the part of acting in a play. And it was tons of fun.
Since I have worked back stage on other community plays. I have yet to find a part for me that rivals the infamous Nolie Frost. I keep hoping they will re-do Steel Magnolias, so I can play Weezie!!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Thoughts on looking for a Scrapbook Mentor

This morning there was a thread over at 2Peas about 'What do you look for in a mentor'? The questions asked were these:

What do you look for in a mentor?
publishing experience?
winner of a major contest?
length of time in the industry?
position in the industry?
style of work similar to your own?
someone who can answer your questions?
someone who will critique your work?
total honesty rather than ego-stroking?
depends on what you are looking to achieve?
What makes a good mentor?
What makes a good mentee?

This was my answer:
I would like someone that has published experience (either mag. or DT). A style similar to my own, yes. Also understanding that I am trying to GROW within my own style and step outside my 'box'. A mentor has got to at least TRY to answer my questions. LOL Someone that would critique my work with TOTAL honesty. I don't need my ego stroked. I just want to improve my scrapping. What am I looking to achieve? Hmmmm, I've only just started submitting - so that is a tough one. Yes, I would like to be published or make an online DT. I doubt I have what it takes to make a Manf. DT.
My idea of a good mentor is all that above.
As a mentee, I should listen and be open to constructive criticism. Be willing to try new things. Be able to step outside my 'box'.

However, I really have NO idea about how to find a mentor. Everyone says to email someone and ask them. OK. However, I am not one of those scrappers that takes note of every person that is on a design team already or has publishing experience. I want someone that has a good eye for design and can help me grow. I don't want to make EVERY page I scrap into something that is 'publish worthy'. I still like my clean and simple style. However, with that said, I've been trying to stretch myself within my scrapping. An example would be the sketch challenge I completed. When I first looked at it I was taken aback thinking I can't do that! It did take some time and brain power to work out the details. Yet, it was fun, I learned I COULD do it and I have a page I am thrilled to put into my son's album. It didn't turn out to be that 'hard' after all. So I know I have it within me someWHERE, for this "old dog to learn new tricks". Plus I love learning new things and constantly challenging myself to grow within this hobby that I love.

So now onto the task of finding that mentor. That almost seems like a larger challenge than just scrapping a new page!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Scrap Etc. Scrap Event

I'm attending the Scrap Etc. Scrap Event in April! Classes will be taught by Heidi Swapp, CathyZielske, Carrie Colbert and Elsie Flannagan. Carrie and Elsie are Garden Girls over at 2Peas. I love that this group is varied and will bring with them lots of fresh ideas; at least for me! It's been a few years since I attended something this big with scrapping. So I am excited.
Especially since I have started submitting some of my work. I can't wait for the inspiration classes.

You can check out the information at:
Oh and Monique is a sweetheart!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I actually WON!

I participated in a cyber crop this past weekend at , it was my 1st cyber crop and it was HUGE amounts of fun. The ladies there are warm, inviting, encouraging, just all around great. And I would say that without the fact that I won prizes! If you get a chance check out the site. Some great talent, beautiful kits and sweetheart ladies.

We were given a sketch (from 3 Scrapateers) for one of the challenges (a 12x12 sketch!) A lot of stuff for this 8.5x11 scrapper. The black patterned paper actually has silver swirls that shine. I am so awed and honored that the Design Team voted my sketch the winner. I am also thrilled with the way this page turned out, since the pictures are important to me. My son's senior prom pictures with his girlfriend, Becky.

Plus I also won the most layouts completed during the crop! I had a total of 11 (13 actual pages); with 2 altered items and the card below. The best part is that I completed more memories to include in my albums. Having a ton of fun, laughing and getting scrapbook goodies is a BONUS.

Thanks to Shawn and the Design Team members at !

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy Late Valentine's...

Ok, so I didn't post it on the actually day! Thought I would share a little Valentine Love anyway. This card was inspired by the talented Caroline Ikeji (hyperstarre) over at 2Peas. The card is actually white, the red is just for the background while scanning it in. I made this while participating in a cyber crop this past weekend over at . Those ladies are a BLAST. Great fun, awesome challenges and just a warm inviting atmosphere.

Valentine's was pretty much an uneventful day for me. I worked my regular 8-5, then took my 14 year old daughter out to dinner at IHOP (her pick). My son (who is away at college) did in fact, call his mother to say 'I love you'. How sweet! Leah and I watched American Idol once we got home. Even that show tonight to me, wasn't too eventful.

Much love to all my friends ~ scrapping and otherwise that might drop in to read my blog.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Scrapping Mojo and other thoughts

Seems I've found some scrapping mojo! Now, I've been 'properly' scrapping since 1999. However, I feel refreshed and revived with my latest pages. It's been fun; they have come together fairly easily and if not - I leave the stuff on my table and walk away. Usually when I come back to it the next day, it will click. I've even tried a few new techniques and discovered others that I WANT to try. It is a NEW day and the sun is out. I am going to start submitting some things this year. It's exciting. However, it also has it's highs and lows.

My son just called to talk over co-op opportunities for this summer that match his college major. Plus he updated me on some grades. It's rare that he calls just to chat; but I love it.

Teacher conference tomorrow for my Junior High daughter. It should be interesting!

My little Allie cat is healing up nicely after her surgery. She will never have babies, but she will always be my lil baby. Such a sweet kitty! She loves to sit in my lap while I surf the internet. She entertains me and can turn on a light switch when in SPAZ cat mode. She meets me at the door every afternoon. We also had Max fixed. He is the neighborhood cat that took up with us in December 2004. I know he has been inside a house before cause he waltzed in and acted like the King of it. Quiet and loving with a raspy meow. Total opposite personality of Allie.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Misty, my niece

This layout is a bit out of the box for me. I used all patterned paper instead of a cardstock background. I saw this paper new this week at my local scrapbook store and it called my name! It is by Imagination Project, Center City Designs. Plus they have cute mini coasters to match! I also picked up some of the Heidi Swapp ghost flowers and hearts. Fun to use.
The picture is my adorable youngest niece, Misty.


Gosh, I fell off the blog wagon!
It has been a BUSY month and the time just flew right by. I was off work through the New Year and now January of 2006 is almost over.

I am proud to say I am back to scrapping some pages for myself! In addition to that, I took the plunge in 2006 and entered an online scrapbook store Design Team Contest. Something totally NEW for me. I am just proud that I found the 'guts' to do it. I've never been one to feel I NEEDED to be published to feel validated in my scrapbooking hobby. Not that I am saying I wouldn't be thrilled. I've just don't dwell on it. Plus I would chicken out about submitting. So if nothing else, 2006 has been the year that I broke the mold and decided to break the ice with submitting some of my work. Not only for a DT, but to magazines too. I will just have a wait and see attitude!