Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Is it good or bad?

Do we often question WHY things happen in our life? I know I do sometimes; it is human nature. I found a motivational 'story' today while surfing the web. I didn't keep the exact address; but found it again almost the same. Seems it is out there on the web and been told several times. I feel it is worth re-reading!!! Here it is:

An old and poor man in a village had a beautiful white horse that was very talented. People came from far and wide to see the horse and marvel at its beauty, ability and intelligence. “You are so lucky to have a horse like this,” the villagers told the old man. “It is not luck that I have the horse,” the old man responded. “It just is.” The villagers looked puzzled but went on with their business. News about the old man’s beautiful and talented white horse traveled far and one day a rich king sent money to buy the horse from the old man. The old man thanked the king’s messenger and turned down the generous offer. “You are a fool!” the villagers cried. “No one would turn down such a handsome offer!” “My decision not to sell the horse is neither a good one nor a bad one,” said the old man. “It just is.”
Then one day the old man’s beautiful white horse ran off into the woods and disappeared. “See what a fool you were?” said the villagers. “You could have been rich but now you have nothing at all! This very bad luck for you.” Quietly the old man replied, “The horse running away is neither bad luck nor good. It just is.” A few days later the horse emerged from the woods bringing with him a herd of horses like himself — beautiful, prancing, white horses. The villagers rushed to the old man’s house crying, “Old Man, you were right! Your horse running away wasn’t bad luck after all because now you have all these beautiful, white horses that he has brought to you!” Once again the old man answered carefully, “These horses coming to my house are neither good nor bad. They just are.”
Weeks later the old man’s only son began riding the horses to tame them only to be bucked off and break his leg so badly that he’d never be able to walk properly again. Again the villagers rushed to the old man saying “What bad luck it is that your son has broken his leg and will never walk right again.” And again the old man replied, “My son breaking his leg is neither good nor bad. It just is.”
Soon a great war broke out in the land and all the young men were called into service — with the exception on the old man’s son. The villagers wailed, “Old Man, you are so lucky that your son broke his leg because now he will still be alive when our sons may not be.” Quietly the old man replied, “It is not good nor bad. It just is.”

How VERY true this rings to me! How many times have I interpreted something as 'bad' that turned out to really be a BLESSING in my life? So this reminds me to take things in life as they come, accept them without trying to place them in a good or bad 'category' and move on! Life is going to keep going; we can either MOVE with it or sit and try to figure out each and every happening as a good thing or a bad thing? Maybe it is a good thing that feels 'bad' at the time? Maybe it is a blessing in disguise? How will we know if we do not keep LIVING LIFE???!!!


Sunny said...

This is a great story. Nice to read during a time when I am making so many changes.

BTW you won the RAK and need to email me you mailing address...WTG!

Have a great weekend,

Cassie said...

You know, you made me cry. Hope your happy. LOL But this really spoke to me, maybe its b/c of whats all going on right now.

Miss you girl. Hope your doing well.